Psalm 107:5 (NIV)
5 They were hungry and thirsty,
and their lives ebbed away.
The Holy Bible : New International Version. electronic ed. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984
With respect to God's plans and provisions for us it is amazing to me how stupid we can be. Psalm 107 is a treatise to the goodness of God and of how he has delivered the redeemed from their despair. Literally everyone that has any understanding of God can read this passage and see themselves. It is a comprehensive list of all the myriad ways that we can be 'lost' and of how God can overcome all those obstacles, burdens and afflictions to draw us to him. Though the salvation offered by God is the 'end all' of our salvation needs, though it secures our place in his presence for all eternity, it does not stop us from being stupid.
There are those, myself included, who will come to the banquet table of the Lord, eat our fill and then depart for barren lands. There are those who having drank from the cup of eternal life, will leave from the wellspring and strike off into the desert. I speak of those who receive the gift of eternal life, forgiveness of sin, the covering of Christ's blood and the imputation of righteousness yet choose not to live a life of communion with God.
The focus verse today describes the life led by such as these. "They were hungry and thirsty, and their lives ebbed away."
Contextually, this is a reference to those who are lost, spiritually. But I believe it is also an admonition for those that are lost, practically. Understand that I am not calling into question their salvation but rather the quality of their life and more specifically, their relationship with God.
As humans our hearts are prone to wander, we are inclined to leave the presence of God, to decline the gifts he offers on a daily basis and instead, wander in the meaningless wasteland of everyday life. How sad it is that we choose not to attend the banquet of God's presence and guidance in all the matters of our lives through reading, study, prayer and meditation. How profoundly unwise of us to turn to earthly sources for wisdom, comfort and help. Yet that is exactly what happens.
Do not let your life ebb away, live life to the fullest today by returning to the God's banquet table. Spend time with Him daily, pray to Him in all things and trust in Him. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." I think that means right now, today, not just sometime in the future. An intimate relationship with God that permeates the fabric of our lives is heaven on earth.