Thursday, March 6, 2008


T-90? That stands for Camp Tsungani in 90 days. From now till then, I choose to focus on the Bible material for camp. I am anticipating The Lord will speak to me on this topic and through this medium to you as well.

Today, I begin with Numbers 13:1 (NIV)
13 The Lord said to Moses,
Moses was unique in all the biblical characters in that he heard from God audibly, plainly and without riddle. We know this to be true for God himself stated this in Numbers 12:6-8. Thus, when we read that “The Lord said to Moses…” we know that this is not an interpretation of a dream or the discernment of signs but rather a vocal statement from the mouth of God to the ear of Moses. When you stop to ponder this, it is quite amazing.

Scripture teaches that God spoke to his people. The Old Testament is full of stories of prophets, dreams and revelation. At that time, the only way for God to make his will known was through his prophets. Consequently, normal people, who for all intensive purposes are exactly like you and me, were transformed into vessels of noble purpose tasked with sharing the word of God with the people of their generation. We also know that they were not always happy about it. Nevertheless, God spoke.

But what of today? People are no different today and I can’t count the number I’ve prayers I’ve heard or personally prayed for God to speak, to reveal, to send signs or to generally make known his will.

Truthfully, God still speaks to his followers. But the day of the prophet is over because God revealed himself to the entire world in the form of Jesus Christ. The Living Word made God’s will plainly known. The printed word, The Holy Bible, expresses the will of God into our lives today. The indwelling Spirit has come and through it, we are moved in accordance with God’s will. Thus, if we want to hear from God, we need only to read his word, accept his Son, receive his Spirit and then pay attention.

The Lord said (past tense) to Moses… what is He saying (present tense) to you this day?

Listening still,

[1] The Holy Bible : New International Version. 1996, c1984 (electronic ed.). Grand Rapids: Zondervan.

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