Friday, May 16, 2008

T-9: Christ in All the Scriptures

Going back to the beginning of my study series (Numbers 13:17-33) looking for Jesus in all the scriptures, here’s a few points to ponder;

The passage in Numbers begins with an act of obedience. Moses was told by God to send the spies and so he sent. While I don’t fully understand how it all came about, God essentially told Jesus to come down to Earth on a mission. Jesus in what can only be characterized as the supreme act of obedience to God, descended.

The spies from Numbers were told to explore, to examine and to analyze the land into which they were sent. Jesus came to experience the human condition so he did the whole thing; he was born, he grew, he rejoiced, he suffered, he laughed, he cried, he knew fullness and he knew emptiness. He died. Along the way, he never stopped examining and analyzing the human condition.

The spies went. Jesus came.

The spies gave reports as to the wonders of the Promised Land. Jesus reported and taught on the matter of the Promised Land of God’s Kingdom.

The spies reported on the riches within the Promised Land. Jesus spoke and taught of the true riches of God’s Kingdom.

Caleb spoke with courage and faith of God’s ability to bring the Israelites to victory over their opponents. In him there was no doubt. Jesus spoke with courage, faith and knowledge of God’s ability to bring a sinful people into a state of reconciliation with God. Jesus spoke of God’s ability to overcome sin and the penalty of death. In Him there was no doubt.

The spies saw the fortified cities of the inhabitants of the Promised Land. Jesus saw the hardened hearts and the entrenched sin of a lost people.

The spies saw giants in the land and were discouraged. Jesus saw the giants in the land, the religious leaders of the day and was indignant.

I love it when God opens my eyes to the treasures before me! I had never noticed Jesus in the middle of that story before. Yet there He is, patiently waiting for me, my friend. How good to see Him!


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