Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Like a Hungry Man to Baking Bread

When I consider all the years that I 'searched' for God and the moment that I 'discovered' God, I have to just laugh at myself! I mean it's not like I was turning over rocks, mining the mountainside, sifting through river sediment or climbing to the highest peak and scanning the horizon. It was more like I was a blind man, stumbling around, knocking things overs, tripping, falling and hurting myself till I came to my senses and opened my eyes. And when that happened, there He was. He had been there all along but I was too blind to see.

Nevertheless, there is that 'sentiment' of looking for or searching for God. That 'feeling' was very real even though the techniques I employed in response to that feeling were disingenuous and ineffective. How then, as a sinner, can I explain that feeling, deep in me, that compelled me to look for something, to search for God?

As usual, it has nothing to do with me. Oh sure, I could say that "there's a God-shaped hole in my heart" and I was just looking for the "tiny Jesus" that would fill that hole but that's too me-centric. The truth is that God was drawing me to him. He created in me that craving, that dissatisfaction with my current state and he skillfully drew me to him like a hungry man to baking bread.

My verse today is Jeremiah 31:3;
"The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness." (Jeremiah 31:3, NIV)

Of course contextually this is in reference to Israel but by adoption into that tree, I claim it as my own. This speaks to the church, the body of Christ, that we may understand that it has always been God's intention, HIS PLAN, that we are to be one with Him. And it speaks to me personally that I might understand how it is that a lost and lonely sinner could feel Him above the clamor and clatter of the world.

This verse speaks of the 'eternal' or 'everlasting love' that God has for his creation. It has always existed and in fact, I believe the very act of creation was for the realization of his love for us before we were even created. God's love does not waver, like mine. It is not contingent upon my fulfilling some expectation, like mine. It is patient, kind and enduring. While I was in my sin, God loved me. When I would deny His existence and curse Him, God loved me. It is a degree of love to which I aspire though I cannot completely understand it. It is everlasting.

And God did not draw me to him that he might consume me as a hunter baits and draws in his prey. Nor did he draw me in that he might present me as some sort of trophy on his "God cave" wall. God drew me in, God draws everyone in that He might fulfill them, that he might heal them, that He might love them and give them the very thing they need. He has a perpetual feast prepared and everyone is welcome. It's an open invitation to the world. We're allowed to invite as many people, friend and foe alike, as we can. The best thing that we can do for those who do not yet know Him is to draw them nigh with loving kindness. To live a life that presents a sweet aroma to them that they might desire to come inside. Like a hungry man to baking bread.


1 comment:

Bill said...

These are great word pictures of God drawing, wooing, and doggedly pursuing His elect. Thanks for reminding me that it's His love and His choosing which brought me to Him ... not mine! <'BB><