Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What Are You Thinking

The Word is first...

"The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, “Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, “Why are you thinking these things in your hearts?" (Luke 5:21-22, NIV)

The Holy Bible : New International Version. electronic ed. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984

Our Lord Jesus has just forgiven the sins of the paralytic who has been carried by his friends and lowered through the roof into the presence of Jesus. At this stage, the paralytic has had his most critical need addressed (forgiveness of sin) and yet remains a paralytic. Were he to remain in this same state it would nevertheless be a joyous occasion for to be spiritually healed yet physically afflicted is of no consequence compared to spiritual affliction and perfect physical health.

Yet in this moment, the Pharisees and teachers of the law took great exception to what Jesus had done, for they rightly attributed the ability to forgive sins with God alone. That Jesus is the Son of God is not accepted by them and their hearts cried out against the blasphemous act that they believe Jesus has committed.

But, I think it is important to note that they did not cry out against him. They did not rise up to challenge him. Note that the Scripture is very particular that they "began thinking to themselves." Note too that "Jesus knew what they were thinking..."

I'd like to know why they had those thoughts but did not articulate them. I know from my personal experience that I too have 'thoughts in my heart' that are rooted in doubt and disbelief and I too do not articulate them. I wonder how many of my fellow believers are faced with the same situation; that of having questions or doubts but hiding them in their hearts rather than speaking them out loud.

I suppose that this could be a dangerous ploy of our common enemy that we hide our doubts and maintain a weak facade of faith. For by the speaking of our questions and doubts, we may hear answers and proofs such as would be sufficient to assuage our concerns. Were those doubts and concerns addressed, our faith could then become ever stronger, our love ever deeper, our outreach more powerful and our testimony more effective. Certainly Satan would suffer an ignoble defeat were this to happen. Yet... many, like those Pharisees, foster doubt in their heart and guard their eyes and ears from anything that might challenge their secret thoughts.

But as we see in V22, these thoughts are not secret! "Jesus knew" then what doubts and charges existed in the hearts of those religious leaders. Jesus knows today what doubts and questions exist in the hearts of man today. And just as Jesus challenged those men in that room, questioning their thinking, so too does he challenge us today regarding our own thinking.

So, from this passage today, I am challenged and I challenge you to drag out your questions, concerns and doubts. Bring them forth and lay them on the table, right in front of Jesus, that he may shine the light of truth on them and chase them away like so many shadows fleeing the noon-day sun.


1 comment:

Bill said...

Okay ... you're getting personal here!

You write, "I'd like to know why they had those thoughts but did not articulate them. I know from my personal experience that I too have 'thoughts in my heart' that are rooted in doubt and disbelief and I too do not articulate them. I wonder how many of my fellow believers are faced with the same situation; that of having questions or doubts but hiding them in their hearts rather than speaking them out loud."OUCH !!! You speak of you; but it's me that it hurts! That wouldn't be out of conviction, would it? ;>( ... UGH!!

How many times have I held back. It's even related to my blogspot for today, where I was convicted of my inability to be freer with my worship; and now I come over to your blog, and I get convicted because I'm not free enough with the expression of my complaints. I'm getting dinged coming and going.

But prayerfully these are growing pains which I feel; and hopefully they indicate that I will be more free after today to be vulnerable, open, honest, and, yes, even bold in my witness, my worship, and even in my wailing.

Thanks for being God's agent of conviction for me ... AGAIN! ...
