Ephesians 2:22 (NIV)
22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.
The Holy Bible : New International Version. electronic ed. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984
Driving along I see a variety of important signs and markers. Of note, I see "Men At Work", "Construction Zone" and "Future Home of
Nevertheless, in our study verse today, Paul speaks of the progress in the lives of the gentiles and the gentile church. If we begin reading at v11 we can see that Paul is speaking of the work that Christ accomplished and of the work that is ongoing. In fact, we can apply the use of those same three signs (above) to this passage.
Consider "Men At Work". Prior to the arrival of Christ and the reconciliation offered through his atoning sacrifice, men worked to live up to the law. I use the term 'worked' because it was an arduous and unrelenting task that ultimately led to failure and condemnation. It is the same way today for the lives of the unrepentant. Though they may not try to assuage the requirements of God's laws, nevertheless, their success and salvation is completely dependent upon their own works. I can keenly recall the conditions that existed in my life, prior to Christ, when the only sign on me was "Men At Work". It is a poor explanation of the disaster zone from which God created a "Construction Zone."
Yet, that is exactly what happened. Once Christ arrived and achieved the reconciliation that is explained in this passage section, the sign on the church changed from "Men At Work" to "Construction Zone." This is because Christ brought along a work-crew and relieved men of the responsibility for building the church. The church was changed from a monument of a building to the ever-changing fellowship of believers. That same transition occurs in the life of the individual believer. Once repentance has been planted in the heart of the believer, the "Men At Work" signs come down and "Construction Zone" signs take their place. This is to reflect the work that The Spirit is effecting in the heart and mind of the believer.
The purpose of this construction, within both the collective church and the individual believer is to prepare a place suitable to be inhabited by Almighty God. From the church perspective, the body of believers is being built together into a single entity. United in purpose and joined together across denominations and congregations into a glorious oneness through Christ our Lord. We know that this one body is represented in scripture as 'the bride.' As such, 'she' is being prepared for the bride-groom who will soon arrive. From the perspective of the individual, the heart, mind and soul is being constantly and ever-tighter bound to The Holy Spirit and by this union, true change is effected in the life and lifestyle of the disciple. "Construction Zone' is a truly accurate depiction of the process.
The purpose of all this construction though as taught in today's verse, is to prepare a dwelling place in which God lives by his Spirit. Thus there is a natural progression from sinner to saint. From "Men At Work" to "Construction Zone" and ultimately to "Future Home of THE KING."
Though I'm tempted to pick up a hammer and join in, I think I'll just keep my hard-hat handy and watch as God accomplishes the task.
In His Grip,
Man as a three-point sermon, this would (and does) preach, my brother! PTL!!! ... Bill
PS: Hold on to this one, ... I'm sure God will lead you to preach that sermon one day. <'BB><
I wanted to thank you again for sharing your study time through your blog. Today's entry was especially meaningful to me as a result of what God is showing me. The "construction zone" is where I live and want to stay. I am with you on recognizing my inability to enhance the project through any efforts of my own. Streams in the Desert today in part says, "We must die to ourselves before we are turned into gentleness, and out crucifixion involves suffering. It will mean experiencing genuine brokeness and a crushing of self, which will be used to afflict the heart and conquer the mind." I am yielding to the construction that will afflict my heart and conquer my mind. Thanks again for sharing."
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