Friday, October 24, 2008

At the End of Me - Jesus

When the sinful man reaches that desperate place where there is neither quarter nor refuge; when he looks to the right and to the left seeking relief; when at last he looks up, there is found redemption in the person of Jesus Christ. And what sweet relief it is!

My own redemptive journey had many stages. I remember the inital stage as it was dark and ugly. I was in a wretched place unaware that I myself was wretched. Having searched everywhere else, having run out of 'isms' I looked one more place; Christ. But what I was looking for was not redemption nor salvation but relief from the consequences of my own behavior. I was looking only for what I thought I needed.

Yet when I came into the presence of Christ, my wretchedness was fully revealed. In the bright light all the darkness and dinginess was put on full display. And Christ did not give me what I wanted, he gave me what I needed. Thanks be to God -- through Jesus Christ our Lord!

And that is my focus verse for today;

Romans 7:25
Thanks be to God -- through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Christ came and rescued me from the body of death. He freed me from the consequences of my sin; hell. He freed me from the bondage to my sin; freedom. On my wretchedness he poured out righteousness and replaced my selfishness with service. Thanks be to God indeed! For Jesus Christ our Lord!

Peace Out,

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