Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's Not About Wetness

The Word is first...

Deuteronomy 32:2 (NIV)
2 Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.

The Holy Bible : New International Version. electronic ed. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984

Contextually speaking these words were sung by Moses near the end of his life. They were intended as an important teaching tool and to remind the nation of Israel of the true nature of God, their own depravity and the coming judgment against them if they persist in their evil ways. There's lots of good 'stuff' in Deuteronomy 32 but I shall focus upon the study verse, V2.

It is important to start with a recognition of ownership. These words were spoken by Moses and since we know Moses spoke under the divine inspiration and direction of God, we can presume that the speaker is effectively God. Though that is true for all scripture, I think it deserves particular notice in this context.

Verse 2 advises the listener (Israel and by adoption, us) to 'let my teaching fall like rain.' Thus there is an acknowledgment that the manner in which the listener receives the following words is of great import. We are to 'allow' these teachings to take on the characteristics of something else; in the first fragment it is rain. This indicates that we are to exercise our will and to be intentional about the manner in which these teachings are handled. According to the rights of will accorded us by God we can either choose to protect ourselves against these teachings (as though against a downpour) or to gladly receive and benefit from the lesson.

All four fragments of this verse refer to water; rain, dew, showers, abundant rain. But it's not about wetness. This is no call to focus on the manner of the teaching but rather the effect of what is being taught. Rain is given by God to nourish and replenish the earth. Likewise, dew descends to moisten the ground and to help sustain created life. Showers are important to the development of new grass for not only do they bring the needed water for growth but they provide stimulation and opposition for vigorous growth. Young plants that are in 'growth mode' need much more water than a well-established plant and so 'abundant rain' is important.

So if it's not about wetness then it must be about continued life and growth. If we apply the filter of 2 TIM 3:16-17 wherein we learn that all scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteous for the benefit of the believer, then we may see that these words serve a four-fold purpose. As you read through Deut 32, you will see a natural progression through the four stated benefits or profits of God's Word.

This verse V2 then is an exhortation from God that we open ourselves to his teaching, that we soak up his instruction. That we immerse ourselves (externally) and fill ourselves (internally) with what he is about to say. It's not about wetness, it's about effect and efficacy. Though written in Deut 32 I think it would be prudent for we disciples to consider this exhortation every time we sit down to God's Word. In fact, I encourage you to try it right now. Say this passage exchanging the word "God's" for every occurrence of "my." (Isn't that the very essence of surrender?) Now, recite your life-verse or your favorite verse or whatever verse comes to mind. Do you see it?

For many years, I shut my ears to God's Word. I used an umbrella, a slicker, a hat, galoshes and gloves to protect (ha!) myself from being penetrated by the rain of God's teaching. Like the ground that receives no water, I became hardened, cracked and barren. I thought that was living! But then God plowed my field and took away all my rain gear. He then poured abundant rain onto me, planted seeds in the prepared Earth (my heart) and brought forth life from a barren field. I was redeemed.

I know that I am not special in this regard for people of been shielding themselves from God and His Word forever. Adam and Eve hid themselves and we've been doing that ever since. Perhaps you know someone who is hiding still. Perhaps you yourself though not completely hidden nevertheless try to shield yourself from God's nourishing rains. Take off your slicker, fold up your umbrella, hang up your hat, kick off your galoshes and throw down your gloves. Run willingly into the rain and be redeemed by the washing of the Word. Collect a bucketful and take it to that person you know that is hiding still. This entry today is my bucket to you.

Singing in the rain,

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