Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Naked Before The Lord

The Word is first...

Psalm 38:9 (NIV)
9 All my longings lie open before you, O Lord; my sighing is not hidden from you.

The Holy Bible : New International Version. electronic ed. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984

This psalm is one of petition which is 'to bring remembrance' and it recounts a dark moment in the life of the psalmist David. By his own sinfulness, David had brought upon himself the wrath of the Lord and was truly afflicted. Beginning at Psalm 38:1 we read of his being severely rebuked, disciplined to the point of painfulness, the loss of health at a deep level and the accumulation of a burden of guilt. He writes of how his wounds fester and offend him, of humiliation and of grief. His very frame (his back) is filled with pain and he is crushed to the point of groaning in heartfelt anguish.

I have no idea what particular sin David committed to bring this judgment upon himself. Yet in this psalm, as was intended, it brings to mind my own experiences and lays out a framework of contrition that is familiar to all who grievously sin against God. Many of us will recognize this pattern in our own lives for it has been repeated throughout the centuries and it is often at this point that the unrepentant sinner reaches out in desperation to the God whom they have ignored and decried. It is in these lowest moments that we reach the very end of ourselves and realize our needfulness for God. Like David, we are utterly broken and without hope.

No matter how empty, broken, lonely or abandoned we may feel as a result of our sin, we are yet not forsaken. This is the central message of V9, my study verse for the day. David wrote "all my longings lie open before you, O Lord; my sighing is not hidden from you."

This is meant both as a recognition of fact and an encouragement to persevere. Whether sinner or saint, God is full aware of our suffering state. If it pleases you to forgive my attribution of human emotion to a divine God I can imagine my God doubled over sobbing, grieving at the suffering of his children. I can imagine the dismay and dread he must feel as he observes the poor decisions and the inexorable progress towards disaster into which so many of us willingly walk.

Before we ourselves realize our neediness and desperation, God knows. Patiently he waits for us to 'come to our senses' and to stretch forth our arms in surrender to Him. All our sins, thoughts, deeds, desires, dreams and longings are well known to God Almighty. In this, we are naked before The Lord.

Not only does he 'know' all these things and more but He hears us. Our quietest whisper, our fleeting sighs, he hears them all. Hearing is not the extent of it though for He listens. He is attentive, engaged and immersed in our lives. There is nothing about us that escapes his attention.

To me, this is a very sobering thought. Everywhere I go, God is already there. Every breath I take, God has provided. Every thought whether holy or hellish is known to God. Even the things I think of saying but hold my tongue are as clearly known to God as if I had shouted them from the rooftops. Knowing the state of my own mind, I am deeply embarrassed, ashamed and humiliated. My heart grieves in anguish for my sinful weakness and I am even now the psalmist David. His petition is my own.

Father God, I confess my sinfulness before you. I admit my wicked deceitfulness and inability to control even my own thoughts. I throw myself before you in humiliation and beg for your forgiveness. Abba, forgive your child and do not abandon the work you have started in me. Call out The Holy Spirit to convict me of every thought that is not pleasing in your sight. Bind me ever closer to your Son Jesus that I may walk in lock-step with him for the remainder of my life. I submit Lord and praise your name for you alone are Holy. Amen.

In His Grip,

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