Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Father's Love

The Word is first...

Psalm 87:1-2 (NIV)
He has set his foundation on the holy mountain;

2 the Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.

The Holy Bible : New International Version. electronic ed. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984

Most of us have chosen our homes based on our personal preferences. We like the land, the location, the construction, the interior and the exterior. We have chosen it above all others and in so doing, expressed our preference. It suits us.

God too has chosen his dwelling place and as revealed in the study passage for today, it is on the holy mountain. He made the mountain upon which His dwelling place has been established and he has chosen Zion above all other places as his dwelling place.

But of that place, God is especially fond of the gates. It says "the Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob." When I think of gates, I tend to think in terms of large, impenetrable, imposing, forboding assemblies of wood and metal. These are set into large constructions of stone and serve to keep out the uninvited. Think castles and you'll likely envision my own association of gates.

That understanding though does not seem to line up with the gates of Zion which God so dearly loves. You see, I think this is a reference to Jesus who said in John 14:6 "...I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." We can therefore rest assured that Jesus is that opening into the city of Zion through which all believers may pass.

In John 10:1 Jesus used a common metaphor to make this point when he said "I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber." In fact, John 10 goes on using rich imagery to explain in the words of Jesus "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep." In this passage, we see that Jesus identifies himself as 'the gate.' Jesus is the very gate of Zion.

As a gate, Jesus is an imposing and impenetrable obstacle to those who do not believe. For they who cannot believe, the gate opposes and confounds them. Though they try to scale the walls by erecting ladders of good works, though they try to scamper up the parapets aided by the grappling hooks and lines of moral conduct, though they erect ramps of legal obedience, they will be rebuffed. Jesus is the gate that cannot be overcome, cannot be broken and shall never be breached. The non-believer sees only the walls of Zion and the opposing gate.

But for the believer, that same gate that repels the non-believer, is thrown wide in welcome. We as the sheep of The Good Shepherd are free to enter in and experience all that is within. We shall see not only the walls of Zion but also its' mansions, storerooms, treasuries and the throne-room. We shall have an audience with the King.

All this thought given to gates and walls is relevant but it should not distract us from today's study passage. God loves the gate. God loves Jesus more than anything. It was God that set Jesus as the gate to Zion that we, those that have responded to the invitation, may enter in to eternal communion. I can imagine that God is extremely proud of his Son and for the admirable way that he laid down his life on our behalf. I can imagine that the love that God felt towards Jesus was magnified exponentially by his obedience unto death. And when we all gather in the great halls of Zion, we will express our joy through praise and God's own joy will be complete; there in the throne-room with Jesus and the multitudes.

So let us look forward to seeing the walls of Zion and let us become intimate with the gate even now. Let us take the hands of others and set them upon the latch of the gate that they too may open it and enter in.

In His Grip,


1 comment:

Bill said...

Carl, ... You are spot on (as usual) with your studied journal entry about "the gates" of God's city.

This last year in our Central small group we studied "the gates" of middle eastern cities; and we learned that they were every thing you put forth in your blog. And, as I also learned when I went to Israel and saw many of these excavated "gates," I've seen that they were the place where the leaders met with the people to relate to them. It was also the place where justice was meeted out by the Elders. And it was also the place where the movers/shakers of the city just hung out in fellowship.

And you are SOOOO right that Jesus will always be THE GATE for His New Jerusalem in Heaven. And being THE GATE, He will be there to hang with His disciples. And He will meet out the Great White Throne judgement there as well.

It will be both an imposing place (as you said) for the lost; and an exciting and inviting place for the found. I'm looking forward to being with THE GATE and in the Gate one day ... and I'll be hanging out with you there to, my brother! ... <'BB><