Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Do You Know?

The Word is first...

1 John 5:20 (NIV)

20 We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true—even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.

The Holy Bible : New International Version. electronic ed. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984

In the movie "Lord of The Rings" there is a scene where two characters are huddled together under an 'elven' cloak. The properties of this cloak are special in that when wrapped completely about oneself, you are effectively invisible. It's not that you don't appear to be there, it's that the cloak totally obscures the truth of who you are. This of course is presented as a form of magic which saves the two characters from certain death. I share this tidbit with you because it illustrates a concept that is in today's study verse.

To say that the Son of God has come is a statement of fact and to acknowledge that with him, through him and by him, we have also received the spirit of understanding is to accept the truth. The understanding that he brought is a gift from God that forever removed the barriers between us and God; we have been unbound from ignorance and stupidity and many other false beliefs. This was accomplished "so that we may know him who is true"; namely God Almighty.

By accepting these truths and by believing in the messenger (Jesus) who delivered them to us, we are gathered into the family of God. "And we are in him who is true--" speaks to this certainty. But the verse goes on to remind us that those who are in the Father are also in the Son for none may come to the Father except by the Son. The Father, the Son and The Spirit 'He is the true God and eternal life.'

Now about that 'cloaking' concept I alluded to earlier... we are 'in his Son Jesus Christ.' And like the 'magic cloak' that hides the wearer from searching eyes, the cloak of Jesus Christ obscures our sin stain that we may be presentable to the Father. Unlike the 'magic cloak' there is no 'magic' in the cloak of Jesus Christ for 'magic' is myth and fable. What there is in reality is power, supernatural power that flows from the creator of the universe into our lives, our bodies, our minds and our spirit.

So today, I praise God for sending his Son to us that we may receive the gifts of mercy and grace. I praise God for sending his Son that I may see the truth and discern the path to the one from whom all truth flows. I praise God for sending his Son that I may be wrapped in the cloak of His righteousness and made presentable for His courts. I praise God for he is the One True God.



Bill said...

Carl, ... I just finished meditating on God's word in my devotional study of the life of Moses; and having just finished posting my journal entry for 3/12, I now come to read and ponder your 3/11 blog; and once again, I stand in awe of how our two minds are merged with a combined message challenging the core of my being as to how strongly I pursue, believe in, and live out God's truth in my life.

In your word pictures, I ask myself, "Am I wearing the cloak of rightousness freely given to me by what My Savior did for me on the cross?" Oh, He knows I have received Him; and His Spirit now dwells within me. But do I really put on His cloak daily so that the world sees HIM rather than seeing my rags of sin? I stand convicted that I'm not really wearing that cloak as He offers for me to wear in this world.

Thanks for your powerful imagery which, after the thoughts I gleaned from my time with God this morning, have me convicted to seek more deeply for God's cloak and then to wear it in the world, so that others can see God in me rather than me in me.

From your convicted brother ... <'BB><

Carl B Schultz said...

After reading your blog entry for 3/12 I too see exactly what you're talking about. It is very cool that God uses so many different ways to get the same lesson into our hard hearts! But that's just a testimony to his tenacity and commitment to each one of us as individuals. It's also a testimony to his preparations made 'in the foundations' so that many of different understandings might come to the same truth in his Word.

Let's wrap Christ's cloak of righteousness tightly about us and step out into this day with a renewed commitment to be 'in' Him, 'in' the center of His will, 'in' His word and 'in' his service.


Bill said...

And once again, my God speaks through you as your comments here, read by me after I've posted my Friday, the 13th, blog, personify exactly what I wrote about and posted this morning.

You ain't heavy, ... you're my brother! ... <'BB><