Romans 15:5-6 (NIV)
5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, 6 so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Holy Bible : New International Version. electronic ed. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984
I find that even as I read this passage, my initial reaction is one of disbelief and lack of faith. It's hard enough to have unity with only two people let alone an entire Sunday School class, a congregation, a church, an association, a denomination. If unity is what we are to strive towards, why are we always at each other's throats?
Apparently, this problem has persisted for thousands of years and Paul confronts it in the early church through this passage. He calls upon the only power that strong enough to unite a disparate collection of people, the one who gives endurance and encouragement. I believe he did this because he recognized that people were incapable of this under their own power and that endurance and encouragement are core components to true unity.
Paul also speaks of the purpose of this unity "so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." It's not so that we can all "get along", hold hands and sing kum-ba-ya around the campfire. It is so our praise and worship can be multiplied to the ultimate level.
In the story of Christ's birth, the heavenly host spoke as one in celebration of the birth of Immanuel. I believe that models the unity that we are to strive towards so that we can speak as one not only to God our Father but also to the world of unbelievers.
My lack of faith and disbelief is grounded in my own failing at preserving unity. I find it odd that I would attribute my own inability and shortcomings to a lack of power in God but there it is.
The truth is that only God can bring about that unity and certainly He can do it. Lord, I believe, help me with my unbelief! The steps that I must take are two-fold. I must not do those things that I want to do that lead to separation and disunity and I must do those things which promote unity. Both of these require a continual pouring out of my self and a continual filling by the Spirit. This is a good lesson for me today and one that is sorely needed.
I have a wonderful opportunity to practice this in the coming days as I embark on my first foreign mission project. I'll be a stranger in a strange land but I will be travelling with 30+ others, some that I know very well, others I barely know at all. What a great place for me to yield to God in the name of Christian unity so that we may function as a team, as one, for the glory of God's kingdom.
1 comment:
Unity comes from many individuals living out the truth of followership in Luke 9: 23, all following Christ, denying self, and carry individual crosses for Jesus. When we do that, we come together in living for THE Cross and for our Savior.
Do we? Generally, we fail; but together we must aspire to live as much as we can - TOGETHER - for our Lord.
Go and live that far away from us, Carl; and we will pray for you. <'BB><
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