Thursday, March 19, 2009

Be Prepared

The Word is first...

1 Peter 1:13 (NIV)

Be Holy

13 Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.

The Holy Bible : New International Version. electronic ed. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984

Therefore... for that reason, because of that. In order to understand this verse we must consider what 'therefore' is there for. By backing up a couple of verses we discover that the matter at hand is grace, faith, salvation, The Gospel. More specifically that the prophets looked forward to the revelation of God's grace, to the coming of Christ and all that would follow his arrival. Not only that but also the fact that 'even angels long to look into these things.'

That being the case, or therefore, we are not to be swept along in the daily routines of life or to be passive Christians. We are to 'prepare our minds for action.' With respect to this, I have two beliefs. First we are to be active participants in the renewing of our mind that we may be transformed. The Apostle Paul exhorted us in Roman 12:1-2 to offer our bodies and to break out of the mold of the world. He stated, and I believe, that we can accomplish that by being transformed. Not in some passive sense where we stand idly by as God polishes us up but in an active sense where we seek out that which edifies and we lay aside that which distracts. To that extent, my second belief is that 'preparing our minds' means that we intentionally set aside time for study and communion with God. That we open our hearts and minds to him that he might instruct us in his way, impart to us his wisdom and equip us for every good work which he intends for us. To enter into the world everyday with an unprepared mind is to give Satan, the world and our flesh and opportunity to subvert us as Christians. Thus we have an obligation to prepare our minds for the battles of the day, for the sirens song of sin and also to actively share the good news of Jesus Christ to those whose paths we cross.

A fundamental benefit of preparing our minds in this manner is the realization of fruits of the Spirit and in particular 'self control.' This passage reads 'Therefore... be self-controlled.' I can't help but notice that it does not say 'be controlled by the Spirit.' It is our incumbent responsibility to exercise our self-control under the direction of the Holy Spirit and by such exercise we build strength. Not only strength of body and muscle but also of heart, mind and spirit. I do not mean to imply that the application of self-control is as simple as taking a drink of water for it certainly is not! We have lived in a world that promotes and rewards self-indulgence for so long as to lose sight of self-control. Self-control then is a difficult and arduous journey towards holiness. It flies in the face of conventional wisdom and in so doing, brings honor and glory to the name we bear as Christians.

The passage continues with instruction that we 'set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.' Here then is the motivation for preparing our minds and developing our self-control. Again, it is something that is contrary to the ways of the world. The grace to which this passage refers is a matter of delayed gratification. In this life of instant pudding and microwave dinners, movies on demand and high-speed internet, we have become accustomed to instant gratification. Money for nothing as it were. But the riches of God are reserved for an appointed hour and we labor towards that hour with nothing but the hope of what is to come. I say 'nothing but the hope' but what I mean is that hope is everything for our hope is placed on a faithful God and I am confident that what he has promised will be done.

So my friends, today and everyday, prepare your minds for victory in Christ through right living and action. Exercise and flex your self-control in all situations. Look forward with great anticipation of the grace to be poured out to the faithful. Check the clouds constantly and be vigilant for He is coming and in that day, Glory!


1 comment:

Bill said...

Carl, you wrote ...

"To enter into the world everyday with an unprepared mind is to give Satan, the world and our flesh and opportunity to subvert us as Christians. Thus we have an obligation to prepare our minds for the battles of the day, for the siren's song of sin and also to actively share the good news of Jesus Christ to those whose paths we cross."

AMEN! ... I'm beginning to believe that the one, hallmark, accountability and discipleship emphasis of BPM should be to teach, promote, and to get tough about daily MORNING devotionals.

Your study verse of the day promotes two "do it" concepts. One is to "be vigilant" [i.e., "gird up the loins of our mind"] and the other is "be sober" (i.e., NKJV translation). And to the extent that we choose to do this and it becomes a habit, we walk in the freedom of vigilance and sobriety. And I believe that the opposite will produce slovenly living, selfish indulgence, and dangerous vulnerability to our spiritual enemies.

So, I think I'm going to begin a stronger Battle Plan emphasis called "40 Days of Discipline," with some sort of recognition for the BPM Warrior who can show journaling for 40 days of morning devotions. My assumption is right from what you're writing about here and from Scripture (Rom. 12: 1-2, Joshua 1: 8, etc.) that to develop the discipline/habit of daily, deep time with God will prepare the BPM warrior for the everday battles we face.

Thanks for putting me on to this track of teaching and ministry ... <'BB><